Face it you need something new, stylish and funny to wear to the gym. You will look amazing as you loiter near the treadmill, hang out at the juice bar, wander aimlessly around the athletic apparel shop, watch a racquetball game, or dip your toe in the hot tub. Once you are done go take a long hot shower you deserve it you worked out!
Refugee from the gym: I tried to work out but it didn't work out. This for anyone out there who didn't keep up a resolution, or simply realized that sweating is way overrated. If you have ever gotten a C- or worse in P.E. wear this with pride!
Poor guy, he died doing what he hated. Do you hate to exercise? Do you believe the local gym is secretly a portal to hell? You are not alone. Sweating sucks. Tell the world with this design
I have a closet full of funny t shirts like these. They make excellent ice breakers at parties! I even started designing my own. http://www.zazzle.com/monkeyjenn