Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today’s T-shirt thinks satellite radio is totally overrated

Pirate radio is everyone’s favorite kind of radio. So swab your decks, grab your parrot, walk that plank and turn it up! Arrrrrrr!

Today’s Holiday shirt is addicted to Call of Duty

Get into the holiday spirit with this funny reindeer gamer shirt!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Today’s Holiday t-shirt is politically correct.

Happy non denominational religion optional generic holiday type season if you are into that kind of thing.

Be sensitive to the needs of the peoples and cultures who are of a different cultural context than that which to which you are indigenous already. Wear this while you are chained to an innocent pine that you don’t want to become martyred as a Christmas tree.

Today’s t-shirt escaped the front yard!

Rolling with the gnomies. They have escaped your neighbors front lawn and are going for a total joyride with some 90’s era rap and hip hop blasting. One thing about the gnomies is they get totally stuck in your head. Who’s down with other peoples gnomies, yo gnome-ity!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Check out the funniest 80's site on the web!

the funniest 80's site on the web The Forgotten 80's had been like totally updated with more stuff you can't remember!

So stop on by, have a laugh and most of all don't feel old because the 80's were pretty much yesterday. Don't believe people when they say it was 20 or 30 years ago. Back to the future is so not 25 years old. The 80s just happened!


Today’s t-shirt is greasy and fried and its totally taking sides

Bacon is so five minutes ago sausage is the fatty artery clogging meat treat of the now. Keep up with the trends you breakfast hipster you.

Bonus hat

Sunday, November 14, 2010

T-shirt of the day middle of the night edition

Right now I can’t sleep (clown will eat me) so I thought I would add a shirt. If I ever do fall asleep when I wake up I am probably going to want some pancakes with maple syrup. Yum.

Vermont: we stack up real nice. This cute travel design features yummy pancakes covered in real Vermont maple syrup. Wear it to breakfast or for a nice walk in the woods.

Today's tee really stacks up! Have a good morning.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Check out a new Vintage Life blog post

There is a new post at my other blog The Vintage Life all about the Gap. So if you have fond memories or not so fond memories of a certain khaki filled shopping experience why not check it out? You will get to find out what thje store originally looked like.

Today’s saucy Tee has a double meaning

Today’s T-shirt has a double meaning can you figure it out? Get this cheeky design today.

Everyone loves a cliché shirt or gift with a shocking double entendre and a snappy retro image. It’s shocking its sassy, it’s been done to death! Don’t be a cliché mock the status quo instead.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Link of the day: The Ultimate Thanksgiving Survey

Do you love Thanksgiving? Are you all about the dark meat or do you prefer the white meat? How do you like your potatoes? Is cranberry sauce your thing? Are you the one person who actually likes green bean casserole?

Find out how your tastes match up with the rest of the country by taking
The Ultimate Thanksgiving Survey!

Are you doing the cooking, are you getting on a plane or staying home. If you would secretly like to have pizza and cheetos instead of turkey now you can let your voice be heard. Are you the only one who doesn’t care about watching football on turkey day or is watching football all you want to do?

Go take the fun survey now and check out this delicious turkey day hat.

Now its time for a musical interlude and some Great Web shirts that aren’t mine

The last time I went to a concert the lines were so long you couldn’t even buy a drink without missing half the show. (stupid Oakland coliseum and your lack of vendors!) So I was thirsty the whole time and I never even found the t-shirt vendors. Good thing we live in the age of the internet because now you can get plenty of real band shirts right off the web. Like these.

Sorry Kids. I didn’t see a kiss koffin anywhere on zazzle or I would have added it here. I know that’s the one thing you all are clamoring for. Anyway keep an eye out for more branded stuff because its going to be a new feature of this blog.

Today’s t-shirt features crunchy guitars and power chords.

Come on people lets get get together and celebrate the good vibes of Peace Love and Powerpop.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thanksgiving is coming and It’s time to pick a side!

Great gifts for side dish lovers!

team smooth potato kids tee

Today’s T-shirt is stalking me

This one is for all of us with oversize camera.

I am not a paparazzi. I just look like one. because walking around with a giant camera is not a crime, it just means you have a nice camera.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

State of the Blog address

As you can guess by the name of this blog I intended to highlight at least one of my shirts every day but there have been some gaps here and there. There are reasons for this number one being laziness number 2 being too busy doing other things. Also I have heard that similar blogs have run into problems with a certain blog provider so I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to go with this one. Anyway you should know that should anything happen here I do have a new site waiting in the wings so follow me over there will ya?

As for my other blogs (namely my vintage one) I am going to add new content as I can. Sometimes I get fired up and all inspired and come up with a huge post that evidently I am the only one interested in. Maybe if you blog you know the feeling you put something up and think that its somehow going to be noticed and catch fire and be hot on del.ico.us or digg or whatever then suddenly you are the next Julie and Julia chick and you have a book deal and a movie and a million followers. (I will settle for like 50 honestly) Yeah that so doesn’t happen to me. No one visits my other blog. I’ve tried my own promotion and stuff, it doesn’t work that well, and I don’t get seo. It’s boring as hell. I am good at making t-shirts but I suck at reading seo books. It’s all gobbly gook about using the REI to make the KPO over 4% but not more than 5% so google doesn’t think you are trying to cheat on your FFQ vs HGR index ratio algorithm spandex quotient to get that coveted 42.3% KJJ platform geometric undergarment fractional stew.

Anyway if anyone out there checks out this blog thank you. Here is a bonus t-shirt for you to check out.

This design is the one thing Liberals and Conservatives in red states and blue states should agree on. Your politics are nobody else's business.

Yeah I was going to put this one up around election day but it passed and I realized I forgot to. So if you know anyone who puts up political stuff on facebook you completely disagree with on facebook and you didn't realize they were like that when you friended them well this one's for you.

Thanksgiving is coming and It’s time to pick a side!

team dark meat tee bold style

Team Dark meat university style sweatshirt

team light meat tee bold style

Team white meat university style sweatshirt

Bonus Funny Apron

Monday, November 8, 2010

Today’s tee is perfect for damn good writers. Plus a bonus!

This shirt is not just for a writer. It's not even for a good writer. It's only for a damn good writer. So if you are a damn good writer, buy one and let the whole world know it.

Bonus Tee: Bestseller Material

Friday, November 5, 2010

Are you feelin' groovy?

This design is perfect for those times when you are feelin groovy man. Put in some rockin 8-track and smile. It’s time to get down tonight and groove in front of the disco ball with this retro seventies design. You dig?